hi-STAR consortium
ETF - University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering represents the largest engineering faculty in
the region, as well as the 3rd largest engineering faculty in Europe. Today, it is one of the leading
teaching and research institutions in our country, with 10 research fields, as well as more than 250 staff
and around 100 journal publications per year. ETF is a multidisciplinary research and higher education
faculty belonging to the University of Belgrade. By combining research and innovation, international
and national projects implemented on this Faculty are helping to achieve EU priorities, on one side, and
national priorities on the other. An important national priority in ETF’s filed of research is Information
and communication technologies. Some former students are now the key persons in charge of
development in large multinational companies, which implement their research and development
solutions in Belgrade.
FEE-UNIS - University of Niš - Faculty of Electronic Engineering
University of Niš - Faculty of Electronic Engineering is an accredited SRO and HE institution founded
in 1960. It has a long experience in participating in research projects, funded by Serbian government,
EU and industry. It has 284 employees, from which there are 165 teaching staff in 10 departments.
Working space of FEE-UNI is 22970 m2 including more than 40 laboratories with modern
measurement and computer equipment for teaching and research. Construction of a 7000 m2
Multifunction Laboratory Annex at the FEE-UNI will be finished by the end of 2020 and it will further
extend research capacities. During the past 5 years, FEE-UNI participated in more than 20 projects in
the field of communications. The most important projects were i-RISC (FP7 FET Open), which was in
the area of communications and microelectronics, and NORBAS (funded by Norwegian government),
which was in the field of wireless communications and control systems.
ICEF - Inovation Centre School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
Inovation Centre School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade was founded in 2007. Since then, the
centre has participated in more than 150 scientific and commercial projects, in collaboration with public
or private, national or international companies and institutions. ICEF strives to focus its projects
towards the engineering areas that are attractive for research, and that could create a long-term
multidisciplinary collaboration between different stakeholders. These areas primarily comprise
information technologies, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, etc. The activities
of the centre are organized within five ICEF Laboratories, including one Laboratory dedicated to the
research and development in the field of Internet of Things and embedded systems.